Tuesday, January 8, 2008

positive oscillator

our bodies accumulate brilliance and reflect on the sun.
permeating the marrow and shining out/in to the vacuums and void.
inevitably perceiving the shifting as instance.
misunderstanding as to why all the others lie their trust in promethean cities.
please heed the beacons in the firmament.


this is a struggle for your senses, so surrender.
it's not like you use them or need them.
a cadenced swarm of timeless light and faceless shadow.
you never leave home without it,
make a camera of your mind and see.
a format is so simple,
and you'd rather think about yourself.

you're not real if you don't have a ribbon

we exist in symmetry, and somebody lives in the sun.
madam, whose presence flows through us always.
dearest luna, please keep us streaming through to lucidity.
oh, please just keep us alive.

shared polarity

fusion gives into gravity just as social submissions progress. a mountain is made of molecules. do you think they will give us any space to breathe? who are you to say, when your point of view is from six feet under? we're all going to leave someday. one can outwit the stratagem. which will you be? loosing venom was so last year, and soon i'll be growing my feathers. now i know myself by another. the old signal faded, blurry, opaque. a painting over elliptical eyes.

transition 26

the light is in us all,
is sorrow what you choose?
we orbit perpetual fusion!
a fountain of light forever!
they're paving way through the earth.
setting absolute to infinite! to man!
they will never move on to center,
sensing no evil as choice monkeys.
ever wanting, never escaping.

breath of the depths

oceanic glimmers forge a symmetrical crown.
and they will be as broken bottles in the sand,
to shed lasciviously the blood of undeserving souls.
vitae has always flooded these veins,
long before the commenced cleansing.
today, we convinced the self of its wrongs.
you never seal the flow if you fear the cautery.

good day to you, sir

i woke one morning to conscious sounds.
i'd never heard in my life, until being there.
the clearest music in the most empty of silence.
resolved in the static, buzzing alive.
enduring mind with the hive.

shifting through identity barriers

nothing is new to the creator
how intangible is the matter we're made of
flash from the palm a victory message home
constant beams so real i always feel them center my center
never forcing me to live in the past
a beckoning onward to build the future how we will
in harmony brilliant light shines within our being
human ears are deaf to the circadian pulsations
that guide us to a beautiful rest
more real than all of our sorrows combined
i know i'll always feel this and more forever

the light of forgiveness

Slow wave captains were objects of my envy.
Sleeping was so foreign, until I met death.
The skies opened singing the songs of rest to wake me
from the nightmare I existed in.
Lulling into vision, teaching, "Live again."
"Now is not the time, please live and love your friends."
Opened my eyes, and was let to see.
Awake and asleep in a dream.
Wanted to hear and heard it loud, the impetus to be clear.
We are not alone on this sphere.
Remember we are not the only ones here.