Monday, December 3, 2007


home, so forgiving, remembers me.
washing the sky in effigy.
thundering fractions punctuate my life.
oh, if only they could understand.
i am a linguist at heart, if only anyone would listen.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

expansion of action

the fresh paint we stuck to the ceiling drips to the drain.
it could swirl away to somewhere we'll never have a chance to see.
needlessly following them to know where they're going.
we shouldn't taint the water to know where it's flowing to, and springing from.
back and forth, when we could soak in something new.
bright peaking through the canopy, bending into new lengths.
colors you'd never even conceived of.
waking to the brilliance that everyone dreams of.

Monday, September 24, 2007

branch and bloom

returning to the star.
translated being, as language is interpreted.
integration happens between the curtains.
radiant skylight, pulsing with each beat of the living heart.
moving in rhythm, moving on a synchronous action.
perpetual always, absolute constant.
some days pass faster than others.
replete and alive, as it never was before.

Monday, September 10, 2007


it is never only the words
it is infinite reality that shines through them
lighting my sphere
unfolding this perpetual flash of life
by the existent law of gravity that none can truly defy
a fountain of fusion will come
and drain the pulse from this planet
i'd rather see from origin the star exploding
rather than be the dust left in its wake
within this sliver of time that some of our brothers would mistake forever
misguided sight blinded by the light removed by refraction
when judging your own reflection
please don't be taken aback
that you're pointing at yourself

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


isolation swirling the void away from the center.
deprived, asleep, and amending with my shadow.
believer, believing, sympathizing with negative identity.
where has time been?...

here i stand, to drain at this tainted well again.
my silhouette will bend the blinding light into your eyes,
and burn them if you haven't learned to clearly focus.
you are just half-blooded and helpless.
the programmed regression is encoded into your veins.
i've seen the engine long time a'comin,
but baby, i live on the railroad tracks.
somewhere in the past, the future is unfolding,
encircling the self-centered and the simple minded.
there is something more than this repetition, surely there is.
we are not placed here to waste away.
our name is growing louder and clearer,
so let the guiding harmonies pulse through you.
accept the inevitable.
impatience allows indefinite wounds to fester.
salvation is lost in thought without action, yet, i am defined.
i am still alive. i am discovered through fulfilling purpose.
such a stage is painful, yet necessary.
it is to purge the wounds and approach the challenge with full strength.
understanding the weakness to use it for greater cause.
a soft-spoken yet lethal pandemic.
foresight is blinded by subjective perspective,
so shall we grow through to the archetype?
or do we continue to judge our own?
the ones who are here to further the cause?
stifle the visionary, and blind the savior.
the choice of a fool is all it will take
to topple the will of complete control.
total understanding.
severance is only material.
confessions are only words.
distance sets nothing but matter between us.
the simple regrets will linger as a lifelong reminder.
wholly captivated, or captive.
who but yourself will decide?
imagination's honest wonders lift us out from waking slumber.
now the brilliance is truly refined.
darker desire becomes so partial to assumption, to lies.
the hunger for knowledge coupled with a misled mind
can hastily consume the construct of being.
a set focus enhances the glow.
the onlooker chains hold me fast to the ocean floor.
ignore the instantaneous alert. take in the saline.
embrace internal deception. dialtones, deadening the receptor's reach.
my only communion is with a black hole.
slowly yet surely consuming my safety.
respire and repair, we're almost there.
is it empathetic or cancerous to ponder ancient rhetoric?
this silent repose is all too familiar, yet outgrown.
over and under the now and the never was.
breathing blisters my lungs while in this cave,
beating heart from rhythm, with hopes they'll repair through time.
degenerate and deposed.
the sleeping become the impaired, an evolution at the strike of a match.
soaking in combustion while their minds are moving upward and onward.
art is evidence of the arson, and i am the torch leading it along.
integrated and transforming, wide awake.
slowly but surely, don't forget. forsake.
what was once life will soon be made of stone.
the waking desire of a slumbering lie.
i am fire drowning cries from the home, in the sea of treachery.
the test subject of my own experiment.
subjective nature to detach into objection.
an optimal curse cast on a perfecting identity.
gradually disintegrating and recomposing.
a crucial amalgamate of greater causes are we.
the brotherhood theory.
exponentially balanced polarity of the western horizon.
it's more than meets the eye. ready, get set for disaster.
get over it. pacing back and forth over a knightly pattern.
the pieces will fall into place. impulse retentive.
the imagery is beginning to make me sick.
somehow the thought of it has triggered a retrogression.
who are you? and why am i drinking from your cup?
here we stand, all beside yourself, picking up where you fell off.
earth in earth again. still can sense the signature, so familiar.
a life once lived sort of familiar.
now i am remembering why i know you.
from when you stole my light, you thief.
locked up for the time that yours goes out.
sorrow becomes us when all that's chosen is to suffer.
your world is a mirage, forcefed through your intrinsic partiality.
a foundation set in the sand.
now despondent over a saving grace, a loving embrace.
powerful confidence and hope
seems arrogant to those who are logically blind.
i am living as an optical activity, observing and influencing.
this presence alarms only those who lack harmony with earth's vibration.
i am not what you judge me to be.
you are pilate and i am just me.
embracing euphoric equality, we're only men for now.
mind over sight found the fault
between the source and shadow that leaves you sightless.
life inversed at my variance with essence,
became these hands,
focused my eyes,
and began teaching me to live within the allusion of which we all are unified. distress, was this contrition?
why, the circles of hell are the ones you talk around yourself.
the worst fears are the ones you confine to your heart.
we're born hand in hand, as afferent exponents.
allied by the human condition and cause.
swing around the world with me in harmonic motion.
collusion descends into ceaseless ambivalence,
obstructs perspectives, and shapes inevitable ruin.
pretension, the anathema of the bombastic,
averts the mutable symbiotes that keep you from stasis.
no phenomenon is unparalleled by reason.
toiling conjecture is no pious regard to collateral perspective.
discover concurrence with the patient reflection, and coalesce into solace.
observer or catalyst, whichever you prefer.
your soapbox is an ocean of guilt.
a self-portrait without my face.
whispered in the wind it's so hideous,
but sheer beauty at the top of your breath.
trap door dissatisfactions and repose, or daggers.
monotonous the drone, ringing and drowning the voice out of the world;
goodbye. i am remembering so much more now.
forgotten, my name, nowhere and everywhere;
translated to relative hyperactivity.
gaia's glow sings our solar song while we chant her requiem,
with all due respect.
they're building up to heaven and we sit by,
speaking tongues without a question.
living the lie?
goodbye, living the lie.
saving the earthbound by staring out into brilliant lights,
i'm becoming omniscient and blind.
my thinking in line with infinite mind,
is transcending limits of our space and time.
i'm severing circles that bind me to earth,
and leaving the haunting behind.
this glimpse of genesis, it was just what you said it would be.
pulsating views contoured by silver bullets.
i only haunt myself. i only haunt myself. i only haunt myself.
an incoming signal from a new saturnine moon.
the ancient stare of lucid newborn eyes.
lost faces paint themselves singular and opaque.
the devil wears a white dress to dance on my chest.
as we are swirling into the center, gravity take me and save my ego in the swell.
i know your circle will always come back around.
a directive is shaping into focus.
the pull will set us in our place.
our puzzle's composed of secular pieces.
differing so yet identical still.
helical beacons glimmer overhead, calling out.
this is how i identify. this is who we are.
buzzing spectra come to drown the name out of my fabric.
glue my forgetfulness together, hummingbird of hyperspeed.
your wings will quicken to cosmic materia.
believe what you choose to believe, or live what you are sensing now.
for some, maybe both.
why would you keep your friends from focus out on the open sea of space?
or one day away from Center?
always remember that your name is just a word,
and that periscopes are practically worthless out here.
suddenly there is no beginning or end in sight.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

oxen arrows

crystalline lattice.
shelter us from the weather.
from spheres isolate,
stationed in obscurity.
oh, sodium, vision lost.

ex animo:

oh, lately, i've been sleeping for days at a time,
walking asleep and fading into one another.
contrast contorts into color,
without the words or their voices.
there is an earth name for this...
a cadenced swarm of timeless light and faceless shadow.
imagination's honest wonders lift us out from waking slumber.

an approach to the origin

leave me be, i'm trying to feel. it's like breathing underwater. no, i'm not drowning, bleaching out my eyes. buried by the symphony, swallowed by greed. seven poison arrows, thrusting right through me. attacking the heart while the brain chokes the lungs. not from combustion or missing the mark, stamp out the lantern that sets our clocks in time. sail with the circles that stretch into white-blue light. now we will witness life.

take their guns and burn their books

dissociated. paperdolls contrasting each other more brightly than day against night. la lámpara se vuelta así. so mocking and slurred was the dual tone of your voice, so potent the fears in your heart. no, i wouldn't drown in that sea of self-loathing for anything, for eternity was lost to your void. the fool even knew you had perished. you stopped yourself short of resuscitation. arrhythmia now, lose the will to create. reject the vibration that shakes life into mind. all eyes ever so far from awake.

slumber is subject

so anxious you can't keep from shaking. try waking yourself from seizure. haze, opaque, drowns the thoughts you dream. energy aching and welling in my eyes. i find peace in quanta. out from elysium i am returned.

kaleidoscope mind

vortex, before me, opened up the path towards the light. shifting my thinking into mathematical function. surely tearing at the seams of their box. lifting out the nails from my coffin. uttered not was a single word amidst a flood of discussion. a user, tapped into the net, calling out from the hailstorms. save us... save us a way to return...

waiting for poseidon

choose the time it takes to get here. here, i am. there, you are, but never were. stone carves the hope into your cross. never a balance between the gravity of the world, and the magnetic glow of life; respiration. an inverted mind sees beyond the spectrum into a limitless now that is the light. the truth and the forever of infinite center. everlasting infernal logarithms. there, you are, but never were. here, i am, will always be...

we are becoming the workers again

structuring systems around the infrastructure. building on top of buildings toppling. cries of the past; "save us, save us, raise us up, and betray us our trust." mazed into a corner. talking in circles, idcirco while we're being boxed in. the pattern has grown to encompass us all. we are becoming the workers again.

the underground lake of healing

combustion reforms the progress of ancestry's labor. decades of brilliance, only to fall from decay. regrettably so it is that death and sleep shall approach one as three. left to decode the cascading shapes alone. are you asleep or awake in our dream? comfort comes truly by knowing that the only constant is change. soon ancient shades shall dissolve, and then we will shed our shells. so flows the hope that all will one day come to know.


planets and stars must have faces,

or else we wouldn't call them cosmic bodies.

oh, what is our face,

dearest planet earth?

we broadcast our binary and waves through our gift from gravity,

your atmosphere,

while others peer into our masquerade.

in orbit a camera obscura floats unbeknown to us.

a global delusion is what we've turned ourselves into.

the projection of a misleading image.

lies for sale, lies for sale

amends today are made through distantaneous channels, where a raped mind is commonplace. here they peddle unfulfilling senses. a plea for the needle, filled with the cure to the self named disease. a perpetual ring to a question with no answer. even they will trade open mind for compressive programming. there is no money where i am from.

open, coincidence denotes relation.

rest is the seed of a finer focus. cellular collaboration, defensive reaction. ancient ancestors are swirling through redundance, and so the eager will never be chosen. our lips blister from loving the sun. sharing glow, gravity, and all the glamour in between. as the flowers of life, they will shine. blooming in clusters, living forever.